ISOLDE review in Brussels

Last week, the ISOLDE consortium completed its 18-month review to share the latest advancements of the project with the European Commission. The collaboration of all participants provided valuable insights making the session a place for showing the progress of the project and sharing feedback.

This meeting represented a significant milestone for the ISOLDE project, aimed at developing advanced RISC-V processing systems to enhance European industries. Accomplishing this objective holds the potential to revolutionize key sectors in Europe, including automotive, aerospace, and IoT.

During three full days, ISOLDE’s partners dedicated their effort to analyse every element of their work, leaving no doubt about each point of the tasks they needed to discuss and strategizing the path forward.

The attendees at the meeting ranged from our Work Package leaders to some Task leaders and members from all 35 partner organizations, who brought their points of view both in-person in Brussels and remotely.

Moreover, presentations showcased at the event received positive feedback, confirming the dedication of all those involved in the project.

Following the review, the ISOLDE consortium gathered for an after-work social event, providing a welcome opportunity for participants to establish personal connections outside of the professional environment.

The ISOLDE project is growing stronger than ever as its partners continue to attain its goals together. Stay tuned to ISOLDE’s news through our website and social media channels and be aware of all our upcoming milestones!